Alpcan Onaran
First of all, I can say that I am feeling a real sense of gratitude toward this training. Cyber Struggle puts an effort on you, it wants to get to know you, in a way, it provides you a life lesson and it presents you with the opportunity to deal with the erroneous character that has been settled in you since your childhood. which you might have wanted to change already but failed.
The sense of struggle, not to postpone the Works any longer that were used to be always postponed, taking the control when it is needed, standing behind when it is not, critical thinking, to be able to be yourself and to be able to feel the people around you as a team that is out of the ordinary.
Technically, they do donate you every sort of necessary information and they give you the methods with their logic. Except for the currently well known offensive approach, you are being taught good level malware analyzing, binary exploitation as well as receiving SIEM training and given applications. This approach brings trainees to a very different level.
Field trainings provide us with the knowledge of the great potential that our minds have, when our brains leave their comfort zone, and how much we can progress. Aside from that, it helps us in learning our optimal peak and fast planning. You realize the great number of skills that you have gained.
Field trainings are almost like a reflection of the trainee’s character, during which you repeat the same mistakes that you have been doing your whole life, but this time you can not deny the consequences.
The process is not to be easy but on the other side, it shows us how easy it is when you jump into the unknown.
You end up having a group of friends that knows each other really well and memories worth remembering.
Every person participating in this training will benefit and self-develop both in the technical and characteristic means.