Anil Baran Yelken
I did not know my own limits before this training. With field practices, I have seen that actually, limits are not real, but we draw them in our minds. From now on, I will force myself as hard as I can to get pass through all obstacles that I face mentally or physically. And the most important perspective that this course has earned me is to be ‘Struggle begins as you say everything is over.’
I used to be a more stressful person but then I have overcome my stress making with the help of the course. Even the most minor problem that I had faced during my work was used to force intense stress on me. I have relaxed. In this domain which we have to work under high risk and intense stress. Relaxing has elevated me to a next new level. By technical aspect, I had never had the opportunity of dealing with the web pen test side. With this certification training, I think that I have made a grand progression on the web pen test side. Even though I was not interested with the incident response side before the training; now, I have received primary/core level training of threat analysis and incident response and better determining and realizing the domain that I want to improve myself.