Fatih Kuran
We have experienced so many stuff that we’re probably never going to have anywhere once again. Besides, in these 10 weeks, we had a simulation of a lot of problems that we will eventually encounter in the work and daily life. We learned how to tolerate and act upon these through our mistakes (Fail early, fail fast.) The training is substantially hard. If you come into this training thinking it is an ordinary one and fail to adapt yourself, it will be hard for you to succeed. Sleep will be your biggest enemy. 🙂
You must not resist the training. If you do resist and question the assignments, you will benefit less from it. Because if you do, you will struggle with the questions in your head instead of what is aimed to be taught and the experience itself. it would be most beneficial to proceed without questioning too much, thinking that every given assignment has a meaning and those men had thought this all through.
Each thing that has been done, each assignment you receive, each Word that has been spoken and even a peek has a reason underneath. The instructor is not just 1 or 2 step ahead of you but he is at the end of the road and he knows all the process. Based upon your stance on the road, he constantly adapts himself to be more beneficial for you, some different application can be made upon the stance and the mindset of the trainee. Even though we had pushed ourselves very hard in this 10 weeks, As the weeks pass by, it is getting more clear that the team underneath has worked more for us then we have worked for ourselves.
Until I participated in the course, writing a report or an article were very distant terms to me. This condition also goes for many of the people who are either studying in or graduated from numeric departments. Now as I look back, I see that I have wroten enough to write a blog. What I am saying is that we are creating most of the obstacles within ourselves. We are stopping at the halfway of those Works saying we can not do this. But we could do very well if we had tried.
there is a famous saying, don’t give me a fish but teach me to catch a fish. But here they go even further than that. They throw you into the water and they expect you to survive alone. There, you are learning to survive in a much more permanent and unforgettable way that no one can teach you.
Field exercises… This is hard to narrate. But there is no need anyway 😊It is an event to be experienced. It has a different effect on everyone. The stress, the pain, the pressure, and the exhaustion elevates you to a new point.
Cyber Struggle becomes to be a part of you as it progresses. You begin to grow a love towards it. You start to care less and less about the certificate as the hell week comes nearby. Because your perspective changes. You come to realize that the certificate is not a goal but a tool. To become a Ranger means much more than receiving the certificate. You want to take place in this family with your team as you question if you are good enough for it. You think the responsibility you will take upon if you be a ranger. Because if you become a ranger, u can not continue living as you used to. Living like you used to would be disrespectful to the elbow grease that those people shed bringing you that mindset.