Goktug Cetin

Position: Penetration Tester
Categories: ranger feedback

I heard about Cyber Struggle for the first time during a cyber security conference. The graduates were talking about it. Well, actually they did not completely explain it, there was the logo Cyber Struggle on the slide and, they mentioned the name and its methodology. Thereafter, I made my own research. At those times, I have just started to be interested in the field of cyber security. I was trying to improve myself.

I applied for the 5th term in the 5 or 6th month of the process I started to be interested in the field of cyber security and, when the school period was over. The first reason why attended this course was that I wanted to improve myself; and then I changed my mind when I became a part of this family that I used to call a society. Of course, the certification was also important, but it actually consists of all these experiences. The value and meaning of the certificate itself, not just the paper part of it. As I said I used to call it a society, but I well understood that Cyber Struggle is a family once I’ve got into it and especially after the last field practice.

I was struggling with myself while I was enrolling with the course, because knew that the concepts such as fighting against difficulties, intensity, obligation etc. would get into my life. I had some concerns since I was such a person unable to bear up under difficulties, and I was thinking that I lacked knowledge since I was just about to move on the 2nd year in computer engineering. After all these lines I mentioned myself, finally it is now the time to talk about the course itself. The areas where we could make contact were arranged before my teammates and I started the course and, then we all new one another somewhat and then, everybody was sitting in silence on the first of the training. And the days passed like this, we become socialized at the first field practice. I was the youngest one, and the oldest one was Olcay, we have become sincere more and more since there was no such a big age gap, and we had no significant conflict in the group.

During the training, we were taught about not only offensive hacking but also the new generation of wars and security intelligence. And also, criminology, digital forensics, software development and more. We learned from experts in their fields; and it was not just like teacher speaks and, students listen to. The courses were not like a teacher lectures and, the topics are told, this training focuses on specialization education.

Such information considered to be really necessary is taught by teachers in a detailed manner and, such information that one could learn by themselves is taught by means of practices and assignments. Yes, you learn a lot, didn’t you recognize that everyone attending the course knuckles down? Not about finding a job but, they become capable of producing their own projects or contributing to the information security sector by lecturing in conferences. You get such information and experience here that you could not find outside or read on the books.

You will make use of the information you get from this course for a possible problem you may encounter in the future. I have gained experience about the real life and business life. I already understood what types of people I will be surrounded when I start to work. One of the things I liked the most about the course was that an experienced and qualified person was talking about his experiences, giving us suggestions so that we could understand how to a person who does the right thing at the right time. They teach us how to be free people, who do their jobs properly and, take up their positions bravely against injustices in their environments.

Cyber Struggle is absolutely not a business enterprise, if it was so, its CEO would not come and give lessons.
I want to be part of this family and, a Ranger (I am not sure yet if I am ranger or not), this is because what Teacher Kubilay thinks and plans for the near future will advance further the Ranger Badge. There are already many foreigners who are interested in this course. I want to be part of the development of this badge, I want to contribute to this process since I believe that I could produce something good from time to time.

I wish people who plan to attend the training of Cyber Struggle success. You may say that “this SAT thing is ridiculous, there is nothing in it to learn”, but you should notice that this is one reacts to something they don’t want to do or, they are afraid to do. I cordially thank all the members of the Cyber Struggle Family, who have supported us in the Hellweek field.

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