Hakan Eryavuz
https://cyberstruggle.org/en/manifesto/ everything here is absolutely true and, you will experience it literally.
Cyber Struggle does not focus on classical education, but on guiding. It focuses on the importance of the ability of a person to teach themselves and, learn by themselves. Technically speaking, the essence of the topic is taught and, the trainees are expected to adopt and, apply it. And there are assignments considering this method. And so, you need to get into to this, and comprehend the topic. Besides technical aspects, there is a sincere environment you will find. You will see people who make efforts to bring values to your life. You learn how to take initiatives. You understand how to be a team and, the importance of being team. You start to do the time management in a far better way. You start to get beyond the limits in your mind without noticing it, and you realize the mental freedom when you are beyond those limits. During the training, you get some pressure and stress without noticing it. You recognize this stress since you get relieved when the training is over, and this stress keeps you awake all the time. In respect of social aspects, the consequences of the assignments and practices are perfect. I don’t believe that words are enough to tell about this training, it cannot not be described but only experienced.
Not possible to make a detailed comment on the SAT trainings, but it is a very useful process you should get through and experience. Once you have completed it, you reach some different dimensions mentally. I guess I’ve become addicted and, I want to go and experience this process again. Lastly, I want to mention about a topic I always hear about; some says this training is expensive, but it is not possible to find such training at this level from anywhere else, which actually does not exist anywhere else. Technically comparing, the price for training from different institutions for 1 week is much more than that is requested by Cyber Struggle. Cyber Struggle training takes 10 weeks and, it allows you to improve not only technically but also socially and, I believe that this social contribution makes this training so valuable.