Melih Yilman
Before I have attended the course, I was following Cyber Struggle since the 1st term. The questions such as “what type of training is provided?”, “what makes this course different from others?” etc. are not answered on the internet. And after you get into it, you will understand that this is one of the aims of this course. I’m telling you that you are mistaken if you think that a teacher lectures and, I memorize what they say. One of the aims of this course is to teach us how to act as a team.
Your team starts to become your family, you feel any harm to the family as if you are harmed, and you learn not to give up. This course does not teach you the information, you learn how to learn. Never try to memorize, otherwise you fill wail in the last week. You will not find here the educational system that we have condemned for years, you will notice it not later than the 2nd week. As a group, we did not challenge the educational system of Teacher Kubilay; we told ourselves that we would be like a worker in the Age of Empires, we would do what we are told by our teacher saying “ready, order, lumberjack, miner, as you wish my lord”, and we tried to understand the system without arguing about it.
There is something that Teacher always said; “don’t worry, you will understand it”, and that is absolutely true; I hated writing reports, and I added a section of contents to my report on the last week. Well, I still don’t like writing reports, but “what does a person consider when reading a report? What should you consider when writing a report by putting yourself in the reader’s shoes? Anyway, during this period of 10 weeks, know your troop, annoy them, make them happy, troll them; do whatever it takes to know them better.
At the very beginning of the course, I was surprised by the level of knowledge of the class. It seemed each of them was a pro hacker, but I was the only lamer; but later, I noticed that everyone was actually at the same level, attempting to learn something new. And by the way, there is no such thing that my friend does it and, I look at what he does. If you get behind with your friends, you need try to keep up with them and, if you do this as a team, your training will be much more efficient and, the people with whom you spend 10 weeks will become like your family. I hope that you have such days after the last week that you would say; “I wish the course was continuing and we saw each other again at the weekends”.
Spoiler: With respect to the SAT thing, you will understand what a team means. For example, look at some photos, where you will see people look after themselves when one falls down. You could say; “what’s happening here, what the hell are you doing here”, but try to find especially the photos of the Hellhounds Troop. You will see the teamwork, the people exhausting, and how they support one another, and you should ask yourself what makes them like this and how. We were 11 people who participated in the SAT practice, and 11 of us have achieved. Don’t be happy that you have learned this and, don’t be said that you couldn’t learn it. I mean, congratulating yourself is the worst think you could do to yourself.
Pump yourself up when you fail. During the HellWeek, you will understand the reasons why you have done what you have done; during the lessons, teachers actually let you predict what’s going to happen in the HellWeek. Finally, I was the one in the group who pushed Teacher Kubilay the most; I recommend you that you choose the one, who is able to push him the most and, who is the bravest among you, as your spokesperson (you will get paid back if you push him well).