Merve Caf
I know myself better now. I quickly decide, I don’t consider fine details to much, I just dive into it. I say to myself that I should experience it not thinking about it too much. I used to think I should live slowly without getting too much tired, and now I say; “what are you waiting for? Run!” There is a huge world in front of you, discover it. Please believe me that nothing is hard to do. It is up to how much you really want it.
At the beginning, I didn’t believe in it too much, thinking that it is not possible to teach someone, who doesn’t know anything, so many things in such a short period of time. Of course, it is not possible with the classical education method, but there is no such thing as impossible with the CS style. Everything I’ve learned at the course, I’ve learned it suffering. What the hell, I said at every single time. I do something, but I don’t know what I am doing; am I learning something? I asked all these questions to myself every day, and at last, everything that was blurred has got clarified. And now, I know what I know, I know what I need to know, and I know what is missing. My way is clear. I believe that the greatest favor you could do to a person is that you could help them discover their limits. Besides education, this is by itself so valuable. This is the consequence when you are treated as a student not as a customer and, when the purpose is to teach people how to be “good” ones. There were to things that made it possible for me. The first one is the psychological perception included in the training and, the other one is SAT. Everything was so beautiful and, I was seeing things through rose-colored glasses until the first SAT day; but this is not something to tell about, but experience.
I was totally different, when the last SAT training is over. I wanted to give up at any minute of the first two hours until the last minute, and I’ve sworn a lot at everyone; please forgive me. There was someone over there to hold me up whenever I fell down. During this period, I was not Merve Küçük, but a Wolfpack. I had some concerns about being in a group especially for my business life. I got rid of them. We collaborated, we supported one another, we won and lost together. We gained so much as a person and in respect of knowledge. It cannot not be described but only experienced. So glad I have you; training is over, but I have a new family now. Everything is just beginning.