Sumeyye Kolemen

Position: SOC Analyst
Categories: ranger feedback

I couldn’t say that I was not impressed when I heard about Cyber Struggle for the first time, but I thought that it was impossible for me; some ridiculous thoughts occurred to me, and I said to myself that “no way, Sümeyye, you cannot do it”, “it is not suitable for you”, “you really think they are going to choose you for the training”; but I was lucky and, a friend of mine with experience about Cyber Struggle told me to go and ask these questions to Teacher Kubilay.

I met him during an event and, he didn’t praise about the training like other training instructors would do, but instead, he mentioned what would happen to me and, the challenges I need to go through if I chose to attend the course. He took no notice of the points I regard as an obstacle. And I was confused more, I used to say, “no way” in the past, but now I could not think in the same way anymore. It was like deep inside, I wanted to have this experience, but I was trying to find excuses saying to myself that “I am new in the field of cyber security, I have no technical knowledge, I should do it after I have learned something, the summer is coming and, I don’t like the sun etc. (the biggest impact of Cyber Struggle is that you will no longer be able to find such excuses, because we have all learned what an excuse is at the very beginning of the training :).

And I stopped struggling with myself and, I applied for the 5th period.

At the first week of the training, we were trying to know about one another; we were supposed to be a team, but it was like something was missing, and here was the first field training as a surprise that would fill it up; I was extremely excited because it was the part about which I was nervous the most and, it caught us early; throughout 1 day, we were tired out together with those who met just 2 days ago, we supported one another, we acted together, we experienced the same pain, challenge and fear; and on the day after, the ice between us on the first day was melt out, which I think is the most important thing; this is one of the answers to the question why we actually need these field training activities.

We tried to support one another during the training; we were not faced with any problem as a team, actually we were a funny team; we were all together during the hell week; and we all attended the SAT training; no one has felt any uneasiness; I knew that there were 10 people if I fell down; all I had to do is to never give up.

You actually prepare yourself mentally for this for the whole of 10 weeks; this training is intended to enhance your self-confidence psychologically and mentally and, teach you how to deal with difficulties, act quickly and, react to such situations that may arise instantaneously, and also you learn that you need to support others during all these activities, which I believe is what makes Cyber Struggle different from all other training institutions.
There are so many things to talk about Cyber Struggle, but I recommend you experience it yourself; this is a perfect family you will want to be a part when you have a closer look. It has such a structure that outsiders could criticize and not understand, but when you are in, everything becomes meaningful.

I am very happy to have had this experience, and I feel lucky; nothing is like before anymore; I would thank all the Cyber Struggle Family and my troop for always standing by me; and I wish good luck to those who will have the same experience

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