46 Internals
wordings, slangs and usage in Cyber Struggle community and teams for projects, programs, and technologies to reflect the common understanding and culture
Numbers represent the related letters in the English Alphabet. And these letters are the first letters of various important words reflecting our mindset.
4=D | 6=F |
Discipline | Functionality |
Dedication | Freedom |
Doctrine | Fellowship |
Distinctions | Futurism |
Drive | Fight |
Dichotomy | Form |
Defy the Odds | Flexibilty |
Determination | Flexibility |
Diligence | Focus |
Dignity | Fortitude |
Slang | Description |
SR | Situation Room. Any meeting or location for a particular case evaluation |
AWOL | Absence Without Leave. Leaving without any information, permission, ghosting |
GBNF | Gone But Not Forgotten. Former team member whose contribution still benefit to the community despite their departure from CS |
Embed | When a journalist, auditor, outsource is reporting on the action happening at the case location |
Cadence | Harmony. Catching the team rhythm |
Fallen Eagle |
Team members who passed away |
Stake-out | Observation of the new instructor or team member |
O-Line | The place where the case occurs |
Walk-in | Anything or anyone comes itself in a natural flow |
Rucks | Backpack including all the stuff for the case |
EDC | Everyday carrying for or during a specific case |
Roll-up | Terminating personnel, coach, mentor, instructor or closing a case |
Cold Case |
a case cannot be resolve more than 2 weeks and having a dependency causing delay |
Sitrep | Situational Report. It might be a adhoc report during any case |
Fobbit | Doing nothing during the deployment, weak performance or ignorance |
Mandatory Fun |
Non-business team meeting such as camp, picnic, retreat or whatever but you are still required to attend |
Croc | Combat recruit of a case. Temporary expertise for a particular case |
Deros | Date estimated return overseas. Nomadic or remote projects. |
Slang | Description |
Ring-out | Quitting from any program given in CS |
QI(BS,GS) | Quit in Bad Standing, and Quit in Good Standing |
Weed-out |
Selection Period for a program |
Screening | General evaluation of a class or a personnel |
ZPF | Zero Performance Feedback |
Domestication | Getting familiar to the CS mindset |
Foreignization | Losing the mindset and culture |
Rebound Effect |
Continuously losing mindset especially after Ranger program |
WIA | Wounded in action. Person becomes temporarily non-functional |
KIA | Killed in action. Person becomes permanently our of capacity |
FTX | Field Training Exercises such as tiger drills, events with former special forces, mental resilience or teaming activities outside |
Unilateral Drill |
Isolated Exercises. It can be internal only, or a workshop on a very specific topic |
Endex | End of exercise |
Sedo | Seducing the class during the program |
(W,G)Ret | Weekly or Grand Retro |
Ctop | Contemporary Topics. Additional content in different disciplines such as terrorism studies, psychological warfare, war studies, intelligence studies, physical security |
Debby | Debrief after relevant |