Ebru Akdemir

Position: SOC Analyst
Categories: aegis feedback

One month I spent in the Aegis training and certification process probably was the hardest time I have ever had in my life. I’ve seen how psychological factors have an effect on a person’s capabilities and abilities.

For years I have struggled to improve my technical side. I constantly tried to read and absorb everything I could get. However, with the Aegis training, I saw that the information I received could take me so far. Time pressure, team pressure, fear of staying behind, fear of failure, etc. The fears and anxieties I was experiencing prevented me from doing what I knew. I paralyzed many times and couldn’t access any of the data that existed in my brain. My stress level and fears prevented me to achieve my ideal performance state. I had to face everything that I feared and withdrawn while I was in the training. After accepting all this, I felt stronger.

One of the best experience I have had in Aegis training is being a team. I had to hang out individually as a result of years of negative experiences. Trusting someone else, sharing tasks, taking or giving support were things I never did. Aegis training methodology showed me how beautiful a team can be. It made me realize how comfortable it is to trust a teammate and how enjoyable it is to think together. All the difficulties I have experienced for years alone have lost their meaning when I am part of a team.

Tasks were coming for days like crazy. Even if I felt to sink to the bottom, I had to continue. However, I could not gather my mind and stand up. I knew everything would be fine if I rested for a few days, but I didn’t have a few days. It was one of those moments when I was forced to team up. I had fallen, I accepted this and started trusting my team and asking them for support.

Now, I see that besides being a team, I also fought my ego. I trusted my team and they supported me too. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had.

The Aegis training not only helped me get to know myself, but it also gave me a piece of great technical knowledge and skill. I still cannot understand how I learned so much in such a short time as a month. The technical content was so rich and the tasks were so flawless that I was astounded when I took the exam. I could easily solve the questions without understanding how.

During the training, we did not perform any passive learning. We were always in the lead role and our hands were used to everything. We dug it by ourselves for days. None of us had a hard time since we learned all these skills until we took the exam. When I look back now, they actually taught us to move, communicate, adapt and shoot mentality. There are billions of information to learn and new ones come out every day. They didn’t just teach us some of the billions of information, they actually taught us how to access and use what we need out of that information. The effect of pressure on me, my fears, the feeling of being a team, technical support and dozens of experiences I have had that I cannot think of… Those are the memories I will never forget.

Everything was so wonderful and worth living. I feel so great that I came across cyber struggle and was able to get such great training. I think that the memories I experienced in this training cannot be explained in sentences but can be experienced. Very proud to have Aegis Certification!

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