Fatih Kayran

Position: Security Researcher
Categories: ranger feedback

Cyber Struggle training process is such a training organization that focuses on taking each trainee to the next level mentally from the very beginning to the end, that mixes this process with cyber security, that does not address only to those who are interested in cyber security but gives new points of view to everyone working in the IT sector irrespective of the position/ department. And of course, it carries out these processes within a unique model that others try to imitate (!).

First of all, you always feel/ observe that this training has such a background of an idealistic thought rather than making profit only. Each stage of the training is as transparent as possible, it offers you an opportunity to learn many technical aspects compared to other training organizations that make you a licensed infiltration specialist within five days (!) and, also it lets you upgrade yourself mentally 2-3 times higher.

You are introduced a problem and then expected to identify/experience it and, solve it out. And during all these processes, the real focus of this training is not to provide you with the information required to solve the problem, but the methods to access such information, the conflicts you may encounter, never giving up under any condition and, fight in team consisting of those you don’t know in order to reach a certain target. At the end of the training, you will have a different mindset, a good level of know-how whatever your technical level is and, most importantly, make friends that will last forever. And of course, you learn many things about the sector from someone with great experience. And with all this new information you have learned, you will understand better the deformation in the cyber security sector in Turkey.

Go after other training organizations that make you a licensed infiltration specialist within five days if you have a corporate mindset and, if you consider the work as a place to be from 8 to 5. Otherwise, you may find yourself outside the process before you reach the middle of the training. But, this is the place you are looking for if you consider your work as a hobby, something you enjoy while doing it. My company wanted to send me to a training organization, where I could be a licensed infiltration specialist within five days (!), but I met and chose Cyber Struggle without hesitating. I feel lucky for attending this training and becoming a member of Honeybadgers although all the conflicts and sleeplessness I have experienced for the whole of 10 weeks without any holiday :). And of course, I would like to thank my company for meeting the costs of the training.

After this training is over, the process does not come to an end like other training organizations, a group called Cyber Struggle Society appears. And through this society, you will be able to keep in touch with those who are passionate about their work like you and, have a chance to take a role in other projects of Cyber Struggle. Lastly, this is the place where you need to be to get rid of your limits, desperations and conflicts in your life if you really consider this profession as a passion

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