Furkan Ozer

Position: Cofounder - Forestall
Categories: ranger feedback

This things that I will write are coming from my own experiences, the mistakes I have done and the things I have lost because I did not do what I was supposed to at the time. Based on them, I would like to give some idea for those who are considering to join or to guide those who are undigested. After finishing this commentary, I noticed that I appear to write this in an egoistic and wiseacre way but excuse me for that and just try to get the message.

I also experienced most of the things that I mention bellow during the course. I got furious to a teacher at some points of the training. Sometimes I got surprised by noticing how useful some parts of the training was, and sometimes I felt that some parts of the training were utterly useless and blank. Now and then I questioned the training, Called program manager a lier. But at the end of the training, I can honestly say that I earned a lot from this training.

This course is not similar to any other courses. Therefore don’t expect this course to educate you with traditional methods as in other courses. Don’t expect to receive only technical information or to be evaluated only by your technical accomplishments. This course is not aimed to donate you with information alone, but it teaches you the mindset to accomplish anything. For this reason, try to improve and change yourself much more than you try to improve your technical information during the course. Determine your weak spots and try to overcome them during the course. See this as an opportunity to educate and change yourself instead of seeing it merely for technical development. You can overcome your ego that appears too often within the sector and you can learn to be a team. You can see how easy it gets for you to be able to accomplish the things you once thought very hard, maybe impossible. I am talking about changing, self-development, don’t see this as a simple thing and understand how much more important it is than just technical information before going the course. Don’t forget, this course prepares you to life and challenging situations, not to the sector. İf you will not dare to change if you are not willing to put an effort for this and if you are here only for augmenting your technical information, don’t come to this course.

The relationship of teacher-student within the course is not like none other. As the course progress, you learn not to expect everything from a teacher. Education does not progress like just learning what is being told of you but it progresses a point which you get more active, you teach some subjects to each other with your teammates, and solve problems together. During some processes, it comes to a point that the teacher does not even get involved. During the training, the teacher does not give you every information but you do find it by searching and believe me, this information does outlast. You gain some very harsh experiences during the process of thinking and figuring out what you should do by yourself. You get furious to teacher and his attitude can be enraging sometimes. These things do make you question the training and they make you regretfully think if you really had paid all your money for this. But rest assured, in the end, you shall be the victor. If you think that this kind of training would not worth your money, I suggest you not to come.

The course pushes your limits as long as you do what needs to be done, you pass 10 weeks under constant pressure. At the last week, the pressure reaches it’s most. Throughout the course, your sleep duration reduces and you will need to be on your toes all the time. Some of the assignments can get to be difficult and strange for you. You can do not want to do some of these assignments and complain about some of them due to their unrelated appearance with cybersecurity. But this program is certainly designed with multiple more daintiness than you think. You certainly need to move with your team as you have to be doing in every step of the training, you should lighten each other’s burden and reduce the stress that you will be under by being one with your team. And I want you not to forget that the exhaustion is only in the brain. The muscle does not get tired but the brain does, therefore the exhaustion can be eliminated. It is just depending on our desire to do what we do. If you are thinking that you can not handle the pressure or if you are thinking that you can not mess with other people after paying this much money, I think you should not come to this course.

İf you have worked in the Cyber Security domain before and if you have already possessed some technical information regarding subjects and if you are coming here hoping to greatly enlarge your technical information, you are wrong. I am thinking that %70 percent of the technical information is being learned on your own. No one can give you information as good as the internet or the books on the market regarding cybersecurity. Of course, this does not mean that the course does not teach any technical information. In fact, in comparison with the other courses, this might be the best course in technical means. For example, you are learning much more technical information than a CEH training.

However since the main goal of the course is not limited to technical development, it can also be very beneficial for those who already have the technical knowledge but in that case, technical growth should not be your aim, if it is, then Google would be more utile for you.

At last, my advice to you is to see the course as an opportunity to change yourself and to solve what you lack mentally. From the first minute of the training, until it’s last, you should function as a team, work hard and never give up. Do not question the course too much, at some points just stop thinking and do what is asked of you.

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